Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sales Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sales Management project - Essay Example For sales managers it is a very difficult task to select the people who will turn out to be great at what they do. Over the years a lot of scholarly work and research has been conducted about the recruitment processes that will ensure person-job fit at the managerial levels but very little attention has been paid on emphasizing and devising a proper strategy that ensures that the right people are hired on a sales force. According to Cravens et al (1997) one of the main marketing expenditures in the business-to-business marketplace is the field sales force and even then, little is done to make absolutely sure that the right people are hired on sales forces. According to Rich and Smith (2000) â€Å"The greater the skill used in evaluating potential salespeople, the more effective will be the hiring process; effectiveness being measured by lower turnover and greater productivity over an extended period of time†. Most organizations pay little or no attention on a standardized recruitment procedure that ensures that the right sales people are selected for the jobs even though most researches show that higher sales are generated by salespeople who are motivated and well-suited for their job. For organizations whose work centers around retailing of products and services, their sales force plays the most important of tasks of determining its success. Fort a better, more well-matched person to be inducted into a company’s sales force, it has been observed that a better recruitment process is necessary. According to Pitt and Ramasheshan (1995),â€Å"In the sales force recruitment process in most organizations, the organization’s requirements are typically positioned as the primary consideration†. Which generally means that more emphasize is laid on generalizing the demands of the organization so as to attract a larger number of people to apply for the jobs.

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